Note to future self: Don't try to run 6 mi with Sara after running 2 mi and doing spin for 45 min the day before. You can't. You're legs will feel like dead weights and you will feel like a total failure because you need to stop 100 times in 5 mi. It's sad.
Self who tried to have a good run with Sara tonight and failed miserably.
PS - That thing on your wrist (otherwise known as the Garmin Forerunner)....learn how to use it before you take it to the trail. Knowing that you ran 43 minutes with 0 distance is clearly wrong. It's also clearly the size of your head and is not the most comfortable thing to run with. This will take some getting used to.
PPS - SARA IS SIGNING UP FOR THE HALF THIS WEEK!! SOOO pumped to have my running buddy with me for this!
Tuesday, May 24, 2011
103 days to go
Last week was rough, I really hope this week is going to be better. This weeks schedule...
In a week or 2 I think I really need to pick up a training schedule and stick to it, all this back and forth bs isn't really working for me anymore.
- Monday - 2 mi run & 45 min spin class (check)
- Tuesday - Run w/ Sara
- Wednesday - 2 min run & 45 min spin class
- Thursday - Run w/ Sara
- Friday - Rest
- Saturday - Maybe a short run before Matt & Seans wedding?
- Sunday & Monday - Beach...will probably un-do all the training with drinking...
In a week or 2 I think I really need to pick up a training schedule and stick to it, all this back and forth bs isn't really working for me anymore.
Wednesday, May 18, 2011
109 days to go
Last night I opted out of running (Re: Monday night) and chose Spin at the gym - in a pleasant turn of events I ran into Sara & Dion and ALL OF THEIR GYM BUDDIES doing weights. I did maybe a total of 4 reps of nothing (because I hate weights and as RJ said "You look totally miserable down here...") and then convinced Sara to participate in my lovely Spin class (Marisa has been away for ages and I was getting lonely!) with me. It was a good class, hard teacher who likes keeping us at an EIGHT, but a good class.
Anyway - that was just an update, the real reason to post was I found this great article about eating healthy and curbing cravings on called Healthy Ways to Handle Food Cravings.
That picture to the left is me (not really me, but basically what I look like stuffing my face). Ever since I really started running I haven't been watching what I ate. Actually, I think it was because I stopped Weight Watchers before going to Thailand and Vietnam and once I got back I just stopped caring. After that once I started running and working out I told myself I could just eat whatever I want because I would work it off later....which is bullshit. I make a really concious effort to eat healthy around other people because I find it totally mortifying to eat junk because I don't want to be judged, but let's be frank, if I had that pile of Cinnabons in front of me and I was alone - they would all be gone in a matter of minutes. Gross.
My big problem is that I have a craving for bread 24/7. Crackers or fruit or whatever else doesn't cut the carb craving and I tend to nosh on a piece of bread while I'm making dinner or just sitting around or need a snack...or really, I don't need a reason, I just do it because it tastes good. I also like bagels...a little too much. If I had my way I would eat a bagel for every meal with differents spreads. I'd never get bored and I'd be the happiest person on the planet. Normal people cannot do this as evidenced by my being a 35 lb over weight kid (don't ask to see pictures, you won't get to see them!). Anyway, this article raises a good point...
"The question arises: What's so bad about cravings in the first place? Is there really something wrong with eating what you truly want to eat? Cravings are not addictions. That is, if you crave a bagel because it tastes good, why should you not enjoy the bagel? When you eat a food you crave, your brain experiences a biochemical change that signals happiness. Can eating an appropriate portion (as opposed to overeating "the whole thing") be a bad thing to do?"
The answer commonly depends on if you are eating the food for fuel vs. mindlessly devouring it for its drug-like effect. If you find yourself on the verge of polishing off the whole bag of bagels, stop and ask yourself, "Does my body need this fuel?" If the answer is yes, you need to learn how to prevent the extreme hunger or deprivation that triggered the overeating.
If the answer is no, then ask yourself, "What am I doing with my feelings?" Over-eating a craved food can distract you from sadness, smother your emotions, and protect your from feeling alone and lonely. But you are using food for the wrong reason. No amount of bagels, chocolate, or chips will resolve the real problem: you are likely hungry for a hug.
In my case the answer is usually always no, I don't need the whole bag of bagels, but that doesn't make them taste any worse! I need to learn to curb my cravings and not have carbs with EVERY meal. I need to work lean protien (I suppose only fish because that's all I eat) and veggies back into my diet. I assure you it's going to be a real pain in the ass, especially when I like beer and pizza so much, but it will make me feel better. It will make me stronger and more able to push to my goal.
Which, after last night, is a possible Triathalon with Sara after the Half Marathon - which, we will see...
Anyway, the article is a good read and you should look into it. Sorry for the super long post, I just really don't want to get to work this morning!
Anyway - that was just an update, the real reason to post was I found this great article about eating healthy and curbing cravings on called Healthy Ways to Handle Food Cravings.
That picture to the left is me (not really me, but basically what I look like stuffing my face). Ever since I really started running I haven't been watching what I ate. Actually, I think it was because I stopped Weight Watchers before going to Thailand and Vietnam and once I got back I just stopped caring. After that once I started running and working out I told myself I could just eat whatever I want because I would work it off later....which is bullshit. I make a really concious effort to eat healthy around other people because I find it totally mortifying to eat junk because I don't want to be judged, but let's be frank, if I had that pile of Cinnabons in front of me and I was alone - they would all be gone in a matter of minutes. Gross.
My big problem is that I have a craving for bread 24/7. Crackers or fruit or whatever else doesn't cut the carb craving and I tend to nosh on a piece of bread while I'm making dinner or just sitting around or need a snack...or really, I don't need a reason, I just do it because it tastes good. I also like bagels...a little too much. If I had my way I would eat a bagel for every meal with differents spreads. I'd never get bored and I'd be the happiest person on the planet. Normal people cannot do this as evidenced by my being a 35 lb over weight kid (don't ask to see pictures, you won't get to see them!). Anyway, this article raises a good point...
"The question arises: What's so bad about cravings in the first place? Is there really something wrong with eating what you truly want to eat? Cravings are not addictions. That is, if you crave a bagel because it tastes good, why should you not enjoy the bagel? When you eat a food you crave, your brain experiences a biochemical change that signals happiness. Can eating an appropriate portion (as opposed to overeating "the whole thing") be a bad thing to do?"
The answer commonly depends on if you are eating the food for fuel vs. mindlessly devouring it for its drug-like effect. If you find yourself on the verge of polishing off the whole bag of bagels, stop and ask yourself, "Does my body need this fuel?" If the answer is yes, you need to learn how to prevent the extreme hunger or deprivation that triggered the overeating.
If the answer is no, then ask yourself, "What am I doing with my feelings?" Over-eating a craved food can distract you from sadness, smother your emotions, and protect your from feeling alone and lonely. But you are using food for the wrong reason. No amount of bagels, chocolate, or chips will resolve the real problem: you are likely hungry for a hug.
In my case the answer is usually always no, I don't need the whole bag of bagels, but that doesn't make them taste any worse! I need to learn to curb my cravings and not have carbs with EVERY meal. I need to work lean protien (I suppose only fish because that's all I eat) and veggies back into my diet. I assure you it's going to be a real pain in the ass, especially when I like beer and pizza so much, but it will make me feel better. It will make me stronger and more able to push to my goal.
Which, after last night, is a possible Triathalon with Sara after the Half Marathon - which, we will see...
Anyway, the article is a good read and you should look into it. Sorry for the super long post, I just really don't want to get to work this morning!
Monday, May 16, 2011
110 days to go (last post should have been 110 also...)
Just got back from my 6mi run (at least I think it was 6mi...) with Sara and might I say I had a TOUGH day. I couldn't tell you why (ok maybe I can tell you why, maybe it was Sunday Funday, maybe it was the pizza, beer, and pasta...but just maybe...), but my body was feeling pretty terrible today. My calves were tight, and my chest was tight, and I could feel myself starting to wheeze like I needed my old inhaler that I haven't needed while working out in ages. It didn't feel good. In fact it felt pretty down right terrible! I'm going to somewhat blame it on the mugginess and humidity that says rain is on it's way.
At least Sara had an excuse as she ran a 10k yesterday and was feeling pretty sore herself. I had nothing to say for myself as I hadn't run since my 6.5 on Friday.
I was thinking we were only going to do 4 mi on the Mt. Vernon Trail tonight since we were both feeling pretty blegh, but then we realized once we hit Reagan National airport that it was actually 2.2 mi till we GOT TO the Mt. Vernon Trail. THEN, us being the smart cookies that we are, decided to take a "short cut" to get back to the car, which ended up taking us whatever distance in the wrong direction, so we decided to backtrack to Reagan. That pretty much wiped us out so we walked for 10-15 minutes (in the right direction, finally), then booked the last 2 miles back to the car.
I'm only guestimating 6mi, maybe more/maybe less, who knows, all I know is it sucked a whole lot, and I'm not particularly looking forward to another run. And on top of that I forgot my new running if that wasn't the exact reason I bought them in the first place. So tonight I was stuck holding my iphone again and [not] tracking any sort of accurate distance. I can't be too hard on myself - at least we went and I'm super glad we went, I just wish I didn't feel so crummy doing it.
Bummer central.
At least Sara had an excuse as she ran a 10k yesterday and was feeling pretty sore herself. I had nothing to say for myself as I hadn't run since my 6.5 on Friday.
I was thinking we were only going to do 4 mi on the Mt. Vernon Trail tonight since we were both feeling pretty blegh, but then we realized once we hit Reagan National airport that it was actually 2.2 mi till we GOT TO the Mt. Vernon Trail. THEN, us being the smart cookies that we are, decided to take a "short cut" to get back to the car, which ended up taking us whatever distance in the wrong direction, so we decided to backtrack to Reagan. That pretty much wiped us out so we walked for 10-15 minutes (in the right direction, finally), then booked the last 2 miles back to the car.
I'm only guestimating 6mi, maybe more/maybe less, who knows, all I know is it sucked a whole lot, and I'm not particularly looking forward to another run. And on top of that I forgot my new running if that wasn't the exact reason I bought them in the first place. So tonight I was stuck holding my iphone again and [not] tracking any sort of accurate distance. I can't be too hard on myself - at least we went and I'm super glad we went, I just wish I didn't feel so crummy doing it.
Bummer central.
111 days to go
This week in the life of Running Rampant...
It looks like tonight is the only time this week the weather is going to cooperate and let me run outside so I am taking full advantage and doing spin class tomorrow instead. It's amazing to think this beautiful day is going to turn gloomy and cloudy and make it rain all week...and not in a good way.
I've been trying to make it my mission to do at least 5mi every time I run now, and on good days, 6mi (and on beastly days like last week 6.5mi!), so we will see how tonight goes.
Also! My lovely running mate, Sara, ran her first 10k yesterday so CONGRATS to her for finishing in a little over an hour. She kicked that races ass and then proceeded to hang out with me all day (ok, I hung out with HER all day) and do silly things like eat pizza and ride golf carts.
In her words "I'm wearing my race tshirt today to show people that I ran a 10k this morning - what did YOU do this morning?! Not run a 10k!"
- Monday - Running with Sara
- Tuesday - Spin class at Golds
- Wednesday - Run....somewhere....depending on weather
- Thursday - See Wednesday
- Friday - Friends BDay dinner
- Saturday - Wedding in NY
- Sunday - Come home from wedding in NY
It looks like tonight is the only time this week the weather is going to cooperate and let me run outside so I am taking full advantage and doing spin class tomorrow instead. It's amazing to think this beautiful day is going to turn gloomy and cloudy and make it rain all week...and not in a good way.
I've been trying to make it my mission to do at least 5mi every time I run now, and on good days, 6mi (and on beastly days like last week 6.5mi!), so we will see how tonight goes.
Also! My lovely running mate, Sara, ran her first 10k yesterday so CONGRATS to her for finishing in a little over an hour. She kicked that races ass and then proceeded to hang out with me all day (ok, I hung out with HER all day) and do silly things like eat pizza and ride golf carts.
In her words "I'm wearing my race tshirt today to show people that I ran a 10k this morning - what did YOU do this morning?! Not run a 10k!"
Friday, May 13, 2011
114 days to go (still...)
*yells* OH MAN! Tonight I ran 6.43 miles at the gym! Not exactly the ideal place to run by any stretch of the imagination, BUT I STILL DID IT AND I FEEL AWESOME! I'm telling every mile went by I kept upping the speed and kept thinking "What the fuck? How am I still going and still feeling good about this? And not wanting to die? And my legs don't want to fall off????" I don't know is answer, but I still did it!
And oh geeze did I need this tonight. After the past 2 terrible work days, feeling pretty awful about canceling my run last night, then getting drunk on my couch and eating a bunch of crap, I was not exactly feeling like a million bucks. I wasn't even thinking that I was going to make 4 tonight. I was even thinking about canceling AGAIN tonight while driving home from work. But no, the powers of positive thinking! Eep! I feel so damn good it hurts!
Alsooo!! Look what came in the mail today! Can't wait to try those bad boys out on Sunday. For $7.99, that ipod case is pretty damn awesome!
Sorry for so many exclamation points in this post.
Anyway, the rest of tonight will be spent ordering Chinese food (and not feeling bad about it), working on my resume, and applying my booty off to attempt to get out of my dead end job...all while having the biggest S eating grin on my face!
Bye for now!
And oh geeze did I need this tonight. After the past 2 terrible work days, feeling pretty awful about canceling my run last night, then getting drunk on my couch and eating a bunch of crap, I was not exactly feeling like a million bucks. I wasn't even thinking that I was going to make 4 tonight. I was even thinking about canceling AGAIN tonight while driving home from work. But no, the powers of positive thinking! Eep! I feel so damn good it hurts!
Alsooo!! Look what came in the mail today! Can't wait to try those bad boys out on Sunday. For $7.99, that ipod case is pretty damn awesome!
Sorry for so many exclamation points in this post.
Anyway, the rest of tonight will be spent ordering Chinese food (and not feeling bad about it), working on my resume, and applying my booty off to attempt to get out of my dead end job...all while having the biggest S eating grin on my face!
Bye for now!
114 days to go
Yesterday was rough. I had an awful day at work which ended with me leaving late and cancelling my run. Instead, I drank ¾ a bottle of wine, ate my roommates mac & cheese and blueberry pastry (don’t worry, she knew and left it out for me!), and watched a Criminal Minds marathon on ION.
In case you were wondering, Garcia got shot and then almost shot again, but she ended up being fine. Then something about religion and murdering psycho pentagram killers happened and all the while I was really just wondering when Garcia and Morgan are going to get together. Actually, Garcia ended up meeting Xander from Buffy The Vampire Slayer and I think they are going to fall in love.
Point being – I woke up this morning and I’m taking it really hard that I missed my run (and ate a cupcake yesterday during lunch that wasn’t even that good!!). I’m going to go tonight and hopefully Sunday between helping my boyfriend and his boyfriend pick things out for their new apartment.
Stay tuned and hopefully these posts become a bit more positive as the days go on.
In case you were wondering, Garcia got shot and then almost shot again, but she ended up being fine. Then something about religion and murdering psycho pentagram killers happened and all the while I was really just wondering when Garcia and Morgan are going to get together. Actually, Garcia ended up meeting Xander from Buffy The Vampire Slayer and I think they are going to fall in love.
Point being – I woke up this morning and I’m taking it really hard that I missed my run (and ate a cupcake yesterday during lunch that wasn’t even that good!!). I’m going to go tonight and hopefully Sunday between helping my boyfriend and his boyfriend pick things out for their new apartment.
Stay tuned and hopefully these posts become a bit more positive as the days go on.
Tuesday, May 10, 2011
116 days to go
Had a nice little run with Sara after work today. Went a little slower than I would have liked, but that's my bodies fault...ok, maybe my mind's fault....ok, or a combo of both. We also only ran 5mi instead of 6, but that's ok, there's always Thursday.
I really can't wait for my watch to get here. The damn app on my phone that tracks distance keeps shutting off mid run so I can't get accurate reads and it's super annoying!!
Anyway, I don't have a whole lot to say tonight other than my abs have been feeling super great recently which is awesome. I've also been told that I'm like the incredible shrinking woman, haha, which I guess is code for I've been slimming down with all the running. Just an AWESOME added bonus!
Oh! One more thing, I'm really glad to be taking a break from working out tomorrow because as of right now my body is really feeling it after my 6mi run today, insanely hot hour long spin class (due to faulty ac in the gym) yesterday, and 4mi run Sunday. I'm looking forward to spending a relaxing evening with the boyfriend, watching tv, snuggling, and not tracking distance!
I really can't wait for my watch to get here. The damn app on my phone that tracks distance keeps shutting off mid run so I can't get accurate reads and it's super annoying!!
Anyway, I don't have a whole lot to say tonight other than my abs have been feeling super great recently which is awesome. I've also been told that I'm like the incredible shrinking woman, haha, which I guess is code for I've been slimming down with all the running. Just an AWESOME added bonus!
Oh! One more thing, I'm really glad to be taking a break from working out tomorrow because as of right now my body is really feeling it after my 6mi run today, insanely hot hour long spin class (due to faulty ac in the gym) yesterday, and 4mi run Sunday. I'm looking forward to spending a relaxing evening with the boyfriend, watching tv, snuggling, and not tracking distance!
Monday, May 9, 2011
Get on that horse, girlfriend!
An old friend of mine from HS, Alyssa, mentioned to me today that she was interested in running and starting the Couch to 5k program (or c25k as she called it before I stupidly said "OH! That sounds like couch to 5k!!"). I am so proud of people who decide to jump on the running horse as I know just how hard it was for me to begin training for ANYTHING. I couldn't be more excited for her and thrilled that she came to me to ask for advice.
With all that being said I've compiled a short list of advice for the running novice (not to say I'm a master runner now by any means).
Those are the big one's....and if you need more motivation, start a blog [like me!] or join or just bite the bullet and sign up for the 5k so there's no turning back.
As for my friend, Alyssa, if and when you sign up for your first race (and it's in the DMV) - I'll be there to run/jog/power walk across the finish line with you.
With all that being said I've compiled a short list of advice for the running novice (not to say I'm a master runner now by any means).
- Eat a little while before you run, no matter the distance, and drink plenty of water. I've come across too many instances where I went to the gym straight from work and had little to no energy for a work out because I hadn't eaten anything. You don't have a good run, you don't feel well or energetic, you feel bad because you had a bad run, you don't run again. It's a vicious cycle.
- Come up with a bangin' running playlist and change it often. Good music is always a great motivator, but it becomes routine, switch it up a bit or put a long playlist on shuffle. I can't even count the times I got pumped up during a run where a good song came on that I forgot I had.
- Don't get discouraged. News flash!! We're all beginners at some point! and we all have bad days where we want to give up. You're already 10 steps in front of the other person who decided not to start.
- Find a good running partner. I was fortunate enough my good friend, Marisa, decided to pick up running with me. She was the one to always tell me "Don't ever think about being too tired, or there being a possibility that you won't go to the gym. I never let myself think that, I just do it." So I'm going to tell you - find someone who motivates you! ....and maybe someone your even a little competative with!
Those are the big one's....and if you need more motivation, start a blog [like me!] or join or just bite the bullet and sign up for the 5k so there's no turning back.
As for my friend, Alyssa, if and when you sign up for your first race (and it's in the DMV) - I'll be there to run/jog/power walk across the finish line with you.
Best of luck!
Sunday, May 8, 2011
118 days to go
I ate a lot of junk this's less than 1/2 of it....
![]() |
Sake Bombs |
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Pho @ Boyfriends brothers grad party |
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Flat Bread |
Today was Mother's Day so I took mom out to a nice brunch at Season's 52 (SO GOOD!). I tried to eat healthy with my lemon grass salmon salad, butttt I also had a glass of wine, 4 pieces of flatbread with chipotle dressing and shrimp, and dessert. Yikes! The day before I went to my boyfriends brothers grad party and ate things like fried rice and pho. That night I drank lots of wine, ate spring rolls, ate sushi, did a few too many sake bombs, and ate birthday cupcakes for a dear friend of mine's bday. Just re-reading it makes me sick to my stomach. By the time Sunday was coming to a close I felt pretty defeated about getting a run in this weekend, but I knew it had to happen. Nothing exciting, but I ran 4 mi at the gym, which I'm sure didn't really offset all the junk I ate, but it's still better than nothing.
I really need to get on a schedule. I also really needed to have not skipped my run Saturday morning. Shit's about to get real up in my training schedule. I hope.
Saturday, May 7, 2011
120 days to go
I missed my run this morning because I was lazy. My alarm went off at 7:30 and I didn't want to get up, so I didn't. Then my room mate woke me up 30 minutes later running around the house getting ready for Gold Cup. I should have gotten up then and went for a short run around the neighborhood, but again, I didn't. Instead, I cleaned up the kitchen, unloaded the dishwasher, and made coffee.
Anyway, then some other shit went down this morning, it's only 9:36am, and I want to go back to sleep.
Anyway, then some other shit went down this morning, it's only 9:36am, and I want to go back to sleep.
Friday, May 6, 2011
121 days to go
Yesterday my car got hit by a bad driver who doesn't know the difference between drive and reverse. Don't worry, it didn't ruin my Cinco De Mayo plans, just my running plans for tonight....sigh. I really wanted to get a run in after work today seeing as the weather is so nice and I feel so good about my run from Wednesday, but unfortunately I have to take my car back to the parents house so I can take one of theirs instead. Looks like I'll either be driving that one for a week or a rental car.
I'm hoping to have the motivation to get a run in before my boyfriends brothers graduation party saturday afternoon. Hoping being the operative word. Maybe another one on Sunday after Mother's Day brunch.
Anyway - on a totally different topic...I just bought this "Garmin Forerunner 305 GPS Receiver With Heart Rate Monitor

Bam! I'm going to start looking like a real runner in no time!
Wednesday, May 4, 2011
123 days to go (still...)
Pretty sleepy, but here's a recap of my night;
Now I'm in bed, watching Real World, and feeling pretty damn proud of myself. Tomorrow I will not feel bad about the multiple margaritas I drink with my closest friends and awesome boyfriend because I not only went to spin class Monday & Tuesday, but I RAN THE LONGEST I'VE EVER RUN IN MY LIFE TONIGHT!
- Got in a fight with a coworker that caused me to flee to McDonalds and house a m&m McFlurry.
- Sara backed out of running because of a stomach bug.
- Rained on the way home from work so Meg and I decided to go to our seperate gyms to run.
- Then, instead, decided to go run outside anyway after the rain let up a bit.
- Got a little lost around the airport, but finally found our way to the trail.
- Came home, showered, ate carrots/hummus and 1/2 a broccoli/cheese lean pocket.
Now I'm in bed, watching Real World, and feeling pretty damn proud of myself. Tomorrow I will not feel bad about the multiple margaritas I drink with my closest friends and awesome boyfriend because I not only went to spin class Monday & Tuesday, but I RAN THE LONGEST I'VE EVER RUN IN MY LIFE TONIGHT!
123 days to go
I haven't been running since Saturday's race. No, actually, that's a lie. I ran 2 miles in the gym last night before spin class, but that's it. Also, it took me over 21 minutes. Really? Really.
Tonight I'm supposed to go running with Sara and Meg, granted the rain stops by tonight. It's supposed to. Hopefully. I really don't want to run in the gym, but I will if I have to.
That's all I really have to say for now. I'll report back tonight.
Tonight I'm supposed to go running with Sara and Meg, granted the rain stops by tonight. It's supposed to. Hopefully. I really don't want to run in the gym, but I will if I have to.
That's all I really have to say for now. I'll report back tonight.
Monday, May 2, 2011
125 days to go
You know what the best part about running is? I'll give you a hint. It kind of looks like the picture to the left. You got it...
The fact that I am almost required, nay encouraged, to eat a ton of carbohydrates the night before a race (or before any long run for that matter) makes me giddy with excitement.
However, Allison, this does not mean not watching what you eat at all...which is exactly what I've been doing. I'm telling you it's been pasta, bread, crackers, cheese, etc ever since I got home from Thailand/Vietnam and as much as I LOVE ALL THOSE THINGS WITH THE PASSION OF A THOUSAND FIREY SUNS....I need to throw in a vegetable or two seeing as these also carry healthy carbs with them.
However, with all the crap I've been shoveling down my throat recently, I was told on Saturday that it looks like I've been losing weight, which was the perfect topping to my Saturday muddy Run-A-Muck cake.
Maybe I'll try to make that recipe to the left one of these nights during the week. Whole grain linguine with a ton of veggies thrown in and maybe some shrimp? I like shrimp.
*Sigh* This sounds like what I eat every night. I need to jump on the potatoe band wagon and start eating potatoes with veggies, or beans with veggies, or actually, nevermind - I'm just going to straight up eat pounds of pasta by the handful...
Anyone have any yummy high carb recipes good for a pescatarian who attempts to run a lot?
The fact that I am almost required, nay encouraged, to eat a ton of carbohydrates the night before a race (or before any long run for that matter) makes me giddy with excitement.
However, Allison, this does not mean not watching what you eat at all...which is exactly what I've been doing. I'm telling you it's been pasta, bread, crackers, cheese, etc ever since I got home from Thailand/Vietnam and as much as I LOVE ALL THOSE THINGS WITH THE PASSION OF A THOUSAND FIREY SUNS....I need to throw in a vegetable or two seeing as these also carry healthy carbs with them.
However, with all the crap I've been shoveling down my throat recently, I was told on Saturday that it looks like I've been losing weight, which was the perfect topping to my Saturday muddy Run-A-Muck cake.
Maybe I'll try to make that recipe to the left one of these nights during the week. Whole grain linguine with a ton of veggies thrown in and maybe some shrimp? I like shrimp.
*Sigh* This sounds like what I eat every night. I need to jump on the potatoe band wagon and start eating potatoes with veggies, or beans with veggies, or actually, nevermind - I'm just going to straight up eat pounds of pasta by the handful...
Anyone have any yummy high carb recipes good for a pescatarian who attempts to run a lot?
Sunday, May 1, 2011
Run-A-Muck 2011
How fun does this look??
Actually, if you can imagine, we started out looking like this...
Run-A-Muck 2011 was just as fun as expected and the weather was PERFECT for a nice run through the woods! Unfortunately, they had dredged the lake at the park the event is at so we weren't able to run through the water up to our waist. Oh no, this year was something much more fun.
This year we got to army crawl for 1/2 a mile through mud that was waist deep! I have never encountered something SO HARD in my athletic career! It took everything in my power to not scream "LEAVE ME HERE! SAVE YOURSELVES!!" when I could no longer move my legs because I felt like I was drowning in quick sand. It was so draining! Even more than the run itself with all it's lovely 45 degree hills in the sun. And to make it better?? Having to run with what felt like 10 lb weights on each ankle once you managed to drag yourself out of the mud.
Oh man, such a workout, but so worth it! I felt so good about how I did as well. Last year I had to stop a whole lot and this year I was moving right along like no big thing. Ok, maybe not no big thing, I may or may not have been huffing like a pregnant woman, but I still didn't stop and I felt really good about that.
I think our team finished in about 43 min, which is awesome if you think about all the hills, obstacles, and mud we had to endure! Next year I think Marisa and I are going to run as a costumed team of 2 and go as nudists with nude body suits and a little leaf covering our privates. Sooooo funny! If only 2 other CERTAIN SOMEONES thought it was funny and would join us! *Cough cough* Joey & Dom *Cough cough*. Oh well.
Anyway, check out my dear friends Maggie (and her friend Amanda), Ericka, and Michelle - another awesome team that ran the same race as us - great job ladies and super cute costumes!! (Also check out their blogs...).
So proud of everyone who ran and can't wait for next year!!
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