7:45am - Wake up and take eddie out
8:30am - Arrive at Marisa's house to pick her up for the big first run
8:45am - Still can't find parking in Rosslyn that is close to Gateway Park or Cosi
9:00am - Park (should have known this morning was going to end badly when the first meter I stopped at said "FAIL" and I had to move to another one) and run through the rain to Cosi where there is no one except innocent breakfast eaters and coffee drinkers...not runners...
While standing in the rain being miserable, cold and wet - "Where is everyone?" "Uh, is that the park over there?" "Yeah." "Do you see anyone?" " No." "What should we do?" "Uhhh..."
9:15am - Arrive at Golds Gym in Ballston
9:45am - After a 30 minute run on the tread mill, leave Golds Gym
10:00am - Arrive at starbucks
10:15am - Drop Marisa off at home in the snow
10:40am - Get Home
I suppose we didn't get the memo that no one shows up when it's miserable out...either that or we went to the wrong place (which is doubtful). But,alas, we are champions and got a small run in anyway.
Next week is another week and I hope people show up this time or else this $30 is going to waste. We've also decided to start running 3 times a week on top of the once a week with ARR, which speaking from todays experience, can only take my stamina up. Looking forward to it!
Until next time. Hoping that courage to start takes me through the next 5 months.
I am just getting back into running too! I ran a half-marathon in October, 2008 but I don't know if I am brave enough for a full marathon... maybe one day! This morning I ran a 5k race and right not I am looking forward to a 10k race on January 1st! I'd love to virtually train with you and keep in touch more!
Yes, I would love to! Do you have a blog I can follow also?
ReplyDeleteIt happens... don't let it discourage you. At least you still made an effort to get a short run in. Good for you!