Friday, August 12, 2011

23 days to goooo

This week has been pretty awesome when it comes to working out! I feel pretty proud of myself!
  • Monday - Hour long Vinyasa Flow yoga class
  • Tuesday - 5.something miles with Sara on W&OD trail
  • Wednesday - 50 minute Spin class
  • Thursday 7.25 miles with Marisa at Gravelly Point Park
Which is why I feel justified to eat this sucker at work today...

It's huge and delicious and filled with white chocolate and macadamia and shhhh I may have had an oatmeal raisin cookie the same size at work yesterday....

Tonight is my rest day in the week...thank goodness cause I could use a rest day! Saturday I plan on running 7-8 and Sunday I have to make 10. HAVE TO. Rain or shine.

On a totally different topic - anyone tend to have digestive issues after a long run? Without getting into wayyy too much information, I find that I get severe stomach cramps after any 7+ mile run and they usually last until the next day. I've heard it could be the GU. I've also heard it can just come on naturally. But point being, it sucks, and it's uncomfortable, and I wish it would go away!


1 comment:

  1. I wants a cookie!

    Sounds like you deserved it. Keep up the good work. :)
